Traditionally, orphaned, abandoned or vulnerable children were either sent to state or foster homes. The new Children’s act has identified an alternative placement – a small, intimate foster home of six children (plus two emergency places) headed up by a House Mother; a place of safety where children can be cared for and nurtured within their own community. A number of these foster homes in any specific area combine to form part of the CLUSTER FOSTER SCHEME, which oversees the correct running of the Foster Homes. Izibusiso is part of the OVERSTRAND CLUSTER FOSTER SCHEME.
In August, 2008, Hermanus Child Welfare advertised for help with the creation of one such home and the United Church in Hermanus stepped up to the challenge. Land within the Zwelihle community was made available by the Overstrand Municipality, money was donated to build the house and Child Welfare and the United Church set about planning and overseeing the building – once the house was completed, congregants of the church furnished the home.
Eight months after Izibusiso was opened, the house was full to capacity and we realised that another bedroom and playroom were necessary. Hermanus Rotary heard of our need and granted us the money to build a bedroom for the three year olds. Between donations from United Church members and Child Welfare the remaining money was raised to build a new playroom. The house now consists of four bedrooms, a kitchen/lounge, playroom, bathroom and covered veranda.
During the difficult lock down year of 2020 we were advised that the kitchen would no longer pass any health and safety inspection so funds had to be raised to move the kitchen into the play room and extend out onto the stoep to create a new play area.
The need for a second home had been apparent for quite some time. It was only after being selected as the main beneficiary of the Lighthouse 2 Lighthouse 2023 Walk that this dream became a reality. Izi 2 officially opened its doors on Thursday 22 June 2023.
We believe that every child is a blessing from God and as such should be loved and cherished. The house is therefore named IZIBUSISO, which in Xhosa means “many blessings”. It is often referred to as IKHAYA LEZIBUSISO, “The house of many blessings”.